Guarana / Guarana UND Ginseng
Guarana ist ein tropisches
waldiges Rebeeingeborenes zur Amazonas Region in Südamerika.
Die Amazonas Inder kauten die Samen als Quelle von Energie
und von seinen Bearbeitungdaten zu den vor-Kolumbianischen
Zeiten. Botaniker glauben den gegenwärtigen Betrieben,
sogar denen, die in den dichten Wäldern gefunden werden,
sind des Remains der eingeborenen Bearbeitung in der Vergangenheit.
Guarana bedeutet, daß "Stärke" und
sein lateinisches Namens Paullinia Cupana oder Paullinia
Sorbilis weltweit bekannt. Der botanische Name kommt von
C.F. Paullini, ein deutscher medizinischer Botaniker, der
im 18. Jahrhundert lebte. Einige der vorteilhaften Effekte
von Guarana kommen von einer Kupplung der Xanthine, bekannt
in seinem Ursprungsland als Guaraneine. Diese schließen
ein tetramethylxanthine auf einem Niveau zwischen von 3%
und von 5% mit ein; herum 1% Theobromin, das mit gerbstoffartiger
Säure und catechutannic saurer Stärke vereinigt
SHOP >>>
5000mg 30 Trinkampullen |
22.00 |
Guarana ist ein natürlicher Kräuterbestandteil von
Südamerika, das helfen kann, nervöse Spannung, Druck
und milde Angst beim Antrag eines allgemeinen beruhigenden Effektes
zu entlasten. Es kann vorteilhaft auch sein, wenn man Ihr stamina
und Ausdauer erhöht. |
Guarana & Ginseng 5000mg 30 Trinkampullen |
24.00 |
u. Guarana ist ein Kräuterstärkungsmittel, dem die
Hilfen, um Druck und nervöse Spannung zu entlasten, beim
Zur Verfügung stellen von von stamina und von von Ausdauer
während der Zeiten körperlichen exertion.Combination
von Guarana und von Ginseng den Alternprozeß verzögert,
arthritic und Herzgefäß- Krankheit an der Bucht hält,
Energie zu den älteren Personen zur Verfügung stellt
und lebenslängliche Vitalität anbietet |
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From the
| |
Guaraneine in Guarana acts on the central
nervous system to prevent fatigue, give energy and suppress appetite.
Brazilians, who consume Guarana daily in drinks, use it for many
reasons and ailments including; countering the effects of age, when
facing a stressful situation, when suffering from fatigue or jet-lag,
when training for sport, as part of a slimming regime, when giving
up smoking, to promote a sense of wellbeing and as an aphrodisiac.
Increasing numbers of athletes, dancers and sportsmen and women
are using Guarana as a natural aid to maintaining peak performance.
Guarana is also perceived to bring energy levels back to normal
more quickly after strenuous work or exercise. It is a gentle
excitant and people use it for when they are irritated or depressed
through mental exertion, or where there is fatigue or exhaustion
from hot weather. Its other popular use is for stress headaches
or the distress Guarana is predominantly used as a long-term
therapy for the restoration of well-being and vitality. In Europe
research has shown Guarana to be a powerful stimulant and this has
great potential for older people who are in need of a stimulant
which does no harm and has no known side-effects. It is a stimulant
which is actually good for you.
Guarana is respected as a general tonic for the nervous system and
muscles. Guarana has been found to increase sexual energy and regulate
blood circulation without interfering in blood pressure and it is
also an antiseptic and astringent and is used as a wonderful natural
medicine for intestinal constipation. Research shows Guarana
is an emulsifier of fats and limits cholesterol and arterial sclerosis.
It is commercially promoted in the health food industry, among other
uses, as a weight loss agent and for energ........More
Guarana articles: |
of guarana on exercise in normal and epinephrine-induced glycogenolytic
The tonic action of water Guarana extract, (Paullinia cupana MART.),
was investigated in normal, exercised, and epinephrine-induced glycogenolytic
mice. A water extract of Guarana (GW) (500 mg/kg) increased the
blood glucose level (p < 0.001) and decreased the liver glycogen
contents of mice 60 min after oral maltose administration (p <
0.05). GW also significantly suppressed exercise-induced hypoglycemia
(60 min: p < 0.05). However, GW did not affect the blood glucose
in epinephrine-induced glycogenolytic and exercise mice. These findings
indicate that the suppressive mechanism of hypoglycemia might be
due to the promotion of glycogen resolution....
for teenagers (and their parents)!
During times of stressful study what is the best thing to be eating,
how should you de-stress, how can you cope with a hormonal teen,
and perhaps most importantly how do you get rid of pimples? Port
Lincoln Nutritionist Carolyn White joined Statewide Afternoons to
talk about these considerations....